Bungendore Public School

Where students prosper, grow and succeed.

Telephone02 6238 1317


Principal's message

Welcome to the Bungendore Public School website which will provide you with extensive information and an insight into the daily happenings that make our school an exciting and innovative centre for student learning.
Bungendore Public School is located 40km from Canberra in a rapidly growing area. Bungendore is a thriving village with a strong supportive community who welcome inclusion in our school activities. Many families choose to relocate to Bungendore and commute to Canberra and Queanbeyan for work. The school is an important part of Bungendore's rural setting where a village atmosphere has been maintained and valued by all. Bungendore Public School has high expectations and a strong value centered ethos which underpins all our programs. Collaborative decision making and staff participation are highly valued.
Bungendore Public School (485 students) has a dedicated staff and supportive community. The school is committed to quality teaching within a caring involvement. We have a strong focus on literacy, numeracy, integrated technologies and a wide range of programs supporting music, the arts, sport, Chess, Debating and the environment. We have a proactive student ‘Green Team' representing all classes. Leadership opportunities are provided in many contexts including SRC, Peer support, Buddy and Peacemaker programs.
We have a very proactive P&C association, both very proud of their school and committed to ongoing improvement and who have dedicated representatives as members of the school evaluation team. The P&C fundraising has provided the school with excellent resources with the current focus on having Interactive Whiteboards in every classroom.
As a staff we welcome and encourage parent/carer participation in your child's education as we believe that together we can provide the best support ensuring we meet individual student's needs. We look forward to developing meaningful partnerships with you as your child progresses through our school.
Nigel Trethowan