Bungendore Public School

Where students prosper, grow and succeed.

Telephone02 6238 1317


Protocols for Communication

Bungendore Public School is committed to a partnership with parents in the education of their children. Bungendore Public School will meet its commitment to engaging in successful communication through providing open and transparent information about all our programs and procedures. These protocols outline the communication responsibilities for teachers, students and parents to share information relating to both the education of students and our school community.


Principles of Communication at Bungendore Public School

The objective of communication between parents and the school is always to arrive at an outcome which enhances the learning opportunities of our students. At Bungendore Public School we expect and understand that everyone will, in any form of communication, adhere to a respectful and dignified manner at all times as per the School Community Charter.


Communication Channels at BPS

Weekly Newsletter: Calendar and overview page sent home weekly in paper form to every family, full newsletter available to download on the school website and through the Skoolbag App

 Skoolbag App: updated regularly with calendar events, permission and information notes. Alerts and notices sent out for event reminders and special events

School Website: Regularly updated with calendar events, download versions of permission notes and the school newsletter. Maintained to ensure current information from the P&C and school events is available. Gallery of images from school events also updated frequently

Permission Notes: Permission and information notes are sent home in paper forms to all relevant families. Online versions also made available on the Skoolbag App and the school website. Spare paper copies kept in classrooms and the front office

Email contact : All staff are accessible by email by sending correspondence to the school email account. Please clearly identify which teacher you wish the correspondence forwarded to

P&C Facebook Page: The P&C Facebook page is kept up to date with both school and P&C events and information


Staff Responsibilities in Communicating with Parents

Staff will

· respond to parental enquiries by phone or email. This should be prompt – usually within forty eight hours (school days)

· contact parents if they have concerns for a student’s welfare

· distribute notices and information to parents or upload information to the Schoolbag App within a reasonable timeframe

· When a concern arises, teachers will seek advice from the appropriate supervisor and contact parents as appropriate

· If needed, a teacher will ask parents to attend a meeting with the student and supervisor to seek clarification or resolution or to establish a plan of support for the student

· If the matter is in need of further discussion or resolution the assistance of a member of the Senior Executive will be sought


Parents and Guardians’ Responsibilities in Communicating with the School

Parents are encouraged to

· access our weekly newsletter via our school website https://bungendore-p.schools.nsw.gov.au each week

· notify the school office if a full copy of the newsletter is required to be sent home

· download the Skoolbag App (search Bungendore in the app store) to receive relevant notifications for their child/children and to access notes and the newsletter

· support their child/children to establish routines around daily procedures for their communication between home and school

· sign in at the office when they visit


Parents are asked to

· inform the school of the reason for their child’s absence via email or send an explanation note to the class teacher

· communicate with the classroom teacher in the first instance by phoning or emailing the school should a concern or query arise

· seek a mutually convenient time with the relevant teacher should a meeting be required

· advise the teacher if they would like a further meeting on the matter with the appropriate supervisor

· discuss matters with the class teacher, not a SLSO (School Learning Support Officer) working with the class. Parents should not address concerns regarding their children to SLSOs they should contact the supervising teacher

· seek assistance from a Senior Executive if the matter is in need of further resolution


Parents are urged to regularly seek information from the established channels of communication:

· The Bungendore Public School Website

· The School Newsletter

· Skoolbag App

· Parent-Teacher interviews (T3, or as required)

· P&C Facebook Page


Students' Responsibilities in Communication

· Speak with teachers if experiencing any problems at home or school

· Hand in or give notices promptly to either their parent or teacher

· Speak to a playground duty teacher if experiencing difficulties in the playground or if they witness somebody having problems or notice damage in the playground.